Wednesday, April 29, 2009

mean reds

I've got a case of the mean reds today.
If you know what this means, you're awesome.
If you don't, I'm shaking my head at you.

By evening my day was lovely

I baked some cupcakes, decorated them pretty cool, wacky wednesday and 31 cent scoop night with brother (:
Enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I'm tired
I don't feel well
and the last thing I want to do right now is stare at a screen and think of what to type
Feel free to watch the video below

Monday, April 27, 2009

the little guy

I tried another video blog, but let me just say it's not very good.
I did it in one take, I look awful, and I can't figure out what that noise in the background is.
Please watch it though (yes I know I just hated on it)
The point of this post is to challenge you and others to notice the people around you and not just your followers on twitter or friends on myspace.
Watch the video, pass it on, enjoy

People from CelesteNevarez on Vimeo.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

brownies and milk anyone?

If you know me you know I hate chocolate, but every once in a while I crave brownies and have 1 with a HUGE glass of milk. Sadly, I baked a whole 9x13 so I'll be bringing them to class tomorrow to share because I could never eat all of this.
I've already written about how much I love Sundays but today was another one of those great Sundays that I can't help but write about.
I went to mass with my brother and we headed home for left over pizza and a nap.
I woke up to an obnoxious knock on the door and feeling quite cranky because of it until I found a bouquet of daises at my step. My favorite!
The card was not signed buuuut I think I know who it was (:
I was in a great mood so I decided to paint and nothing fancy came of it but I love painting.
I took brother home after we bummed around the apt all day and I found a garage sale on the way home, oops. I bought 2 mint green shutters and an amazing headboard, all for 10 bucks!
I went to ACE and bought some paint and some hooks and headed to my patio to continue my artsy afternoon. The sun was setting and I was painting one of the window shutters white so it looks antiqued and put in some hooks to hang my jewelry. It sounds like a breeze but this was pretty time consuming project. I'll put some pictures below this post but I love this idea! I found it online with a frame and I thought this might be another way of doing it. I still don't know what I'll do with the other, maybe a tray to take breakfast in bed.
Any ideas for the head board? My bed is from Ikea and can't really be taken apart for it so I don't know what I want to do with it.
After all my hard work, I made some dinner and baked brownies (:
I'll be watching my shows and writing more psych papers tonight but I hope you're having a lovely Sunday

after & before pictures
that is not all of my jewelry, that's all that can fit (:

One month...

My birthday is exactly ONE month from today!
If you know me you know how much I l-o-v-e birthdays
My updated wish list will be my post for today (:

May 25 Birthday Wish List
  • wine decanter- check
  • a date with Kevin Rose
  • kitchen & baking gadgets - check
  • Stella McCartney perfume (deeeelish)
  • books (biographies are my favorite)
  • a tea book
  • Gary Vaynerchuk's 101 Wines (book)
  • Slumdog Millionaire DVD
  • tea gadgets (specifically a tea pot with thermometer)
  • a nice bottle of wine - check
  • June rent - check
  • some good music
  • martha stewart's encyclopedia of crafts

Saturday, April 25, 2009


it's 2:00 am
I just got home from a wonderful evening. I had sushi with kate, drove around lost in downtown phx for about an hour, went to the phoenix contemporary design fair (vip thanks to tdhurst), and went to a small where local bands play and saw an amazing performance by a band that had a violin, cello, guitar, drums, french horn, sax, and accordion.
Let me just say now that my make up is off, my hair is up, and my bed is calling my name so I apologize NOW for any typos because I will not proof read this (:
I thought of a few things to write about on the ride home because it was such an interesting night and I met so many different people that if I could type everything that crossed my mind this would be a 20 page post, but I'll spare you. I just saw such great passion in everybody I hung out with tonight, designers, chefs, businessmen, artists, musicians, writers, etc. But I ended the night with some youngin's like myself and we were talking about crappy jobs or lack of jobs we have and what we see ourselves doing years from now. It was fun to be in the same struggling boat with the others for once. I really could go on about how this one man thought he had me all figured out because I was young and assumed the worst in me, but after talking he handed me a business card and said I was somebody worth knowing. That's always for the ego to hear and I was glad I turned his mentality of young people today around (I'll spare you on that chaos as well, but we did have a long discussion at the table later on)
I just wonder, what am I chasing? Broke musicians bus tables to cover the bills while they chase after their dreams to play on stage, artists bartend so they can make enough in tips so they can buy more supplies the list goes on and on of people doing whatever it takes to make their dreams happen. What am I doing?
I'm broke as can be, working on a degree that I want so badly, but am I really fighting for it?
I think I am, but my mind is a mess of questions that I can't answer so I'll leave you with my favorite quote of all time. It's meg ryan in the blockbuster award winning all time've got mail
(my 2nd favorite movie of all time)

Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life. Well, valuable, but small. And sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around? I don’t really want an answer. I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void. So goodnight, dear void.

goodnight dear void

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Trying something new

Hello! I finally finished my psychological assessment paper and so I'm going to catch up in sleep
but here's my apology for my lack of posts, enjoy (:


Sunday, April 19, 2009


I can put off writing a paper like nobody's business, I wish I could get paid by the hour that I put this off. In the mean time I'll be writing on here and watching my Sunday night shows
I love Sundays
I wake up early, go to mass with my brother, have lunch with him and usually come home and clean up, bake dessert, homework, and watch my shows as I cuddle up with some tea. This Sunday my brother spent all day with me and it made me so happy. We'll be living together next year and I know neither one of us are very excited about it but today reminded me of how we were little and used to be attached at the hip. Family is the most important thing in the world and I'm so happy to have such an amazing, loving, and caring family members. We don't always get along and we don't always agree on everything but we stick together. Sunday's remind me of how much I love my family and spending every Sunday lunch together at a HUGE table making fun of each other, telling stories, and laughing.
I could go on and on about how I think family is the most important part of life, but I like this post being short and sweet so I'll leave it at is.
Thanks for reading

Saturday, April 18, 2009


So my poll -->
didn't do too hot but thanks for those who did participate
The few votes went against the study which didn't surprise me.
It's 11:30 on a Saturday night and I'm sitting in my pjs watching SNL because I really really really don't want to write my paper on psychological assessments, woo! Sounds exciting doesnt it?
My stomach is killin me right now and I have no idea why but I feel terrible, I'm headed to bed soon. I thought I could write on here but it's not lookin too good folks, I'm sorry.
I will say this, I have been on the phone a little bit more than usual this week just sending texts and calling friends I haven't heard from in a while and it's made me miss everybody so much more. If I didn't call you and you're reading this I'm sorry call me this week please. On the flipside, I'm also disappointed with a few friends lately. I'm not going to point anybody out or say that I'm this glorified super friend but it makes me sad that as we get older we lose sight of those who used to be so important in our lives. Iu moved to Arizona and left everybody I know and love in Texas and I think about them everyday bt there are times I think that maybe they've forgotten about me. This is a terribly pathetic post and before I sound like an emo pre-teen I want to reinforce that I know I haven't been the best friend either
but hey...I'm thinkin about ya

Good Lord is it just me or is everybody getting married and having babies?!
Where did time go? I want to worry about being picked to play on the playground again, this is insane. Congrats to everybody!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sex vs Video Games

Last night I wrote a terribly lame post and said today I would write something worthwhile, my apologies, but after watching diggnation the little scientist within me is curious.
There is a story that says a study shows that 72% of British men would choose video games over sex with their long time girlfriends.

Here's the study:

Here's the show:

After reading the story online Alex and Kevin discuss the topic and agree! Along with the rest of the crew of the show and I am terribly curious, is this true? Now I love research especially social sciences research (psych nerd, hello) but the article doesn't give numbers or thoroughly explain the study. Which leads me to my question, would men really choose video games over sex? Perhaps this study was limited to a small population and would therefore create a bias. The guys at diggnation are tech and game guys so that one was pretty predictable, but what about the average joe? This lame attempt to collect information is more for entertainment than science but I hope I get guys to vote on the poll I've created so please pass this along. Thanks!
xo -c


I haven't written a blog worth reading in a few days, and I can promise this
TOMORROW I will have a ton of things to write about
check in for:
  • book idea
  • thoughts about today's society
  • birthday ideas
  • yoga
In the mean time, please please please pray for my friend Jared

Monday, April 13, 2009

Wish List (update)

My family just left and I am terribly sad
I really don't feel like writing so I'll update my Birthday list
(they bought me some stuff while they were here) yay

May 25 Birthday Wish List
  • wine decanter
  • a date with Kevin Rose
  • kitchen & baking gadgets
  • Stella McCartney perfume (deeeelish)
  • books (biographies are my favorite)
  • a tea book
  • Gary Vaynerchuk's 101 Wines (book)
  • Slumdog Millionaire DVD
  • tea gadgets (specifically a tea pot with thermometer)
  • a nice bottle of wine
  • June rent
  • some good music
  • a pair of Toms

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everybody (:
I hope everybody is having a wonderful Easter holiday
my family is town and I couldn't be happier
I am so blessed to have them here with me, which is why I haven't written in a while
more to come later.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


The amazingly talented Robbie Martinez took these pictures of me last year and sent them to me today so I had to post them! Follow him on
Thank you so much Robbie!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Marley & Me

Tonight was just like any other Monday night.
Gossip Girl (hey, don't knock it till you try it), dinner, and painting my nails
My brother and his friend Benny came over and I tried a new recipe! Kung Pao chicken, fried rice, and plain steamed rice. I would have liked it to been spicier but I'm sure my stomach appreciated the mild spice. Check it out Thanks mom & dad for the wok (:
On my way home from droppin off the boys I rented Marley & Me because I had a free rental and to be honest there was nothing else at the RedBox. I didn't think I'd like it but I ended up loving it and even crying at the end! I won't give specifics but I do reccomend it, especially as a date movie. It just got me thinking about my life and the direction, or lack there of, that it's going in. I also watched my 2nd favorite movie of all time, You've Got Mail but I can write a book about how my life and that movie intertwine. I'm at the stage in my life where nothing is really making sense, I'm holding on and hoping for the best. It's weird becaue I know I complain about this ridiculous rollercoaster my life is on right now and all the turns I've taken in just the past year, but this movie (believe it or not) has got me thinking that maybe this ride isn't so bad. I have the rest of my life to stand still and know exactly what my next move is, but for now I like waking up in the morning and the most difficult task on my to-do list is to try and get to the gym. I am accumulating an emmense amout of debt, I have no idea where I'm going to live next year, I don't know where I'll live/work the year after that, I'm working on a degree that I can only pray makes me happy with my work, and I hope I have enough money to pay tution this summer.
But I'm happy.
It's weird how this sappy love story got me thinking about all of this but you hear it time and time again "where did time go?"
Strange. I'm listening to Idiosympathy and the lyric "getting older is not the same as growing up" was just sung, how perfectly put.
Getting back to the point, today I had my mini prac where I saw my classmate as a client and it felt so good walking out of the session knowing this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. I have the rest of my life to pay back the debt it's not going anywhere, I can enjoy moving another 5 more times because one day I'll live in a house for the rest of my life, I can figure out where I work/live when I find a place that makes me happiest, and tution can always be paid with more loans. I'm sure I'll have to go back to this post one day when I'm scrambling to get my life together but for now I've got my life & me.
Thanks for reading

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Tomorrow I have my first "mini practicum" where we see our classmates as our clients and we are filmed and evaluated. One step closer to seeing actual clients, eek!
I have to go over my notes and study for my analysis of the individual exam on Wednesday as well
so tonight's blog will be short and sweet
'll leave it to the amazing Jimmy Eat World to write

"For Me This Is Heaven"

The first star I see may not be a star
We can't do a thing but wait
So let's wait for one more
The time such clumsy time in deciding if it's time
I'm careful but not sure how it goes
You can loose yourself in your courage
The mindless comfort grows when I'm alone with my 'great' plans
This is what she says gets her through it:
"If I don't let myself by happy now then when?"
If not now when?
When the time we have now ends.
When the big hand goes round again.
Can you still feel the butterflies?
Can you still hear the last goodnight?
Close my eyes and believe wherever you are, an angel for me.

Goodnight world

Saturday, April 4, 2009

my favorite day of the year

4.4. is always my favorite day of the year
always has been
always will be

i won't be explaining why
but that's all for today

Friday, April 3, 2009

Two Things: Good People Day & When it rains, it pours

Good afternoon! I just had an absolutely amazing and relaxing Friday, and I'll get more to that after I write about GPD09. I will warn you now, this blog post may be a little long.

Good People Day 2009
Gary Vaynerchuck of Wine Library or @garyvee on Twitter, has challenged the whole social media community to give praise to or promote good people of the world on April 3. I'm a huge fan of his show and his work, but I admire his emphasis of the value of family. Family is the most important thing in life and I know this because my grandparents from Mexico have instilled this mentality within me, which made this GPD post very difficult to write because I have so many wonderful family members to choose from.
One day I'd like to really sit down and write about how I feel about my grandparents and the love I have for them because I know I've told just about everybody I know, but I'd like to explore the creativity of writing it out. But today is about my Dad, Victor F Nevarez II.
He's who I'd like to talk about for GPD09 because I feel that he is probably the most underrated person in my family. Not to say that he's not amazing and my family doesn't love him as much or anything, but he's the quiet one and for that I think he needs to be praised. My dad was born in El Paso, Texas after my grandparents had moved from Mexico and was the oldest child. I think being the oldest and trying to take care of my two wonderfully crazy uncles along with helping my grandparents transition into the States, is one of the reasons why he is so quiet but it's also the reason he works so hard. I'm proud to say my dad's a hustler and gets the job done day in and day out. He married my Mom at such a young age and had me not too long after and just thinking about that gives me goosebumps. I'm about the same age now and just out of college but to be married and have a kid, I couldn't do it. My dad worked his way up from working with State Farm and working claims, to becoming an agent, to now owning and operating 2 agencies of his own in El Paso. While climbing the business ladder, he had 4 kids (Me, Victor III, Rebecca, and Alyssa) and still happily married. Moving from the Lower Valley in El Paso to the far Eastside, on the golf course I should add, not in one big jump but 5 steady moves over time. I could fill pages about how much I admire his work ethic, his sense of humor, and his interaction with people but I hope this brief summary will do for now. He may not always express his emotions as well as others, he may think raising the roof is a cool dance move, and he might call himself Paprika the rapper; but he's my dad and I'm proud to say that he's the best father I could ever have. I love you daddy.

When it rains, it pours
Normally this expression is used to describe negative experiences, or at least that's how I have always used it. This past week has been nothing but good to me and if you've read my other blog posts then you know why. For those of you reading who don't know me, I am a terribly broke graduate student who's currently unemployed and who's rent just went up. This week I've "found" a Jimmy Eat World vinyl, went to the Fast & Furious premiere, had my email read on diggnation, and yesterday although I had to fix my car I got an upgrade car wash and a few coupons out of it. Today, I got an email from my professor asking me to come in to talk about a possible graduate assistantship which would cut my tuition in HALF if I get it. In my running shorts, t shirt, and sneakers I got there as fast as I could and talked to her about it. I would work 10 hrs a week at the front desk of the Counselor Training Center, cake! She told me she had already recommended me and I said I'd love to, and she took me over to check it out and they were willing to have an interview right then and there (yes in my outfit). I met a few people, had the interview with the woman hiring who happens to be my classmate and it went really well. She said I'd be great for it and they'll try to find the funding for me! Lesson learned: always be nice to professors and try to build relationships with them. Finally I'll get to catch a break with some tuition, thank God.
If that's not great enough, I went for a quick run and swim where I listened to my voicemail and found the most exciting news. I've been looking for a job on craigslist, asu listings, you name it I've applied for it. Nobody wants a part time grad student that can only work crazy hours, but long story short I applied to an acting agency online just to see what would happen and they called back! The voicemail was from a woman saying she has never had so many casting calls match a single person like my profile has and has directors wanting to speak to me! Is that not insane?! She was out of the office when I called, but she'll be calling me on Monday and I hope it's good news. This week has been nothing short of amazing.
If this week has taught me anything, it's to always be on the look out for opportunities or relationships and always see the good in everything that happens.
Thanks for reading
xo -c

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Best Wishes

Good morning,

It's April 2nd and there's nothing significant about that date but I hope everybody reading this takes some time today to reflect. I know spring break madness has just ended, the weather is getting warmer each day, and the itch for summer is coming on strong; but take a few minutes to think about how your life is going. I've realized that through technology (twitter, facebook, this blog, etc) we've become a society of people trying to get ahead, trying to be first, and trying to be connected to everything and everybody. Don't forget about the "real" people in your life like your family and friends. Call somebody today that you haven't spoken to in a while, count your blessings, or spend some time alone with your laptop, phone, and tv off.
Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day
xo -c

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I can't believe this happened

My brother called me just after I got out of class and said "You are on diggnation!" It's April 1st, so part of me thought there's no way. Turns out his friends called him and told him I was on and he said "I thought you were going to take a picture of us together and send it?"

I've never been more heartbroken.

I literally started to cry and told him I was so sorry because I forgot and I just sent a quick email in thinking Alex and Kevin would never get it. Well not only did they get the email, they posted the pics on the air! I was so happy (and I'm still freaking out) but so sad because I didn't include a picture of brother.
I can't win.
I also want to include @mmolai for sending me the picture! Thanks Ojay!
Brother, I'm so sorry! I promise I'll make it up somehow, I love you
Alex & Kevin, thank you so much for reading my email and for actually putting it on the air! I can't believe ya'll remembered me, and hey! My phone number was at the bottom of that
email (:

Here's a bit of the show:

thanks for reading!

Isn't it a little weird that the day after Kevin replied to my tweet
( KevinRose: @CelesteSummer night!) and after I post my wish list (see below) that my email shows up on diggnation? hmmm....

Wish List

I know I just wrote about how wonderfully blessed I've been but my birthday is coming up and I thought I'd put up a wish list....just in case anybody decides to read this (:
I'm on my way to class but I'm sure I'll be updating it

May 25 Birthday Wish List
  • wine decanter
  • a date with Kevin Rose
  • kitchen & baking gadgets
  • Stella McCartney perfume (deeeelish)
  • books (biographies are my favorite)
  • a tea book
  • Gary Vaynerchuk's 101 Wines (book)
  • Slumdog Millionaire DVD
  • tea gadgets (specifically a tea pot with thermometer)
  • a nice bottle of wine
  • June rent
  • some good music
Any change I'll be sure to post them