Monday, May 25, 2009


It's finally here!!
I'm spending the day with my wonderful family and friends (:
I couldn't be happier!!!

one more time for kicks

May 25 Birthday Wish List

wine decanter
a tea date with Kevin Rose
kitchen & baking gadgets
Stella McCartney perfume (deeeelish)
books (biographies are my favorite)
a tea book
Gary Vaynerchuk's 101 Wines (book) & his new book Crush it!
Slumdog Millionaire DVD
tea gadgets (specifically a tea pot with thermometer)
a nice bottle of wine
June rent
some good music

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

life is good


   I'm still out and about traveling, but I'm writing from the Houston area today. Kansas was absolutely amazing and I can't wait to go back. In other news....I got the job! I will be working this summer with the business college at ASU conducting research and designing courses. I can't put into words how excited I am for the projects and teams I'll be a part of. 
My birthday is in FIVE days!! I love birthdays 
I know I've put up a list a few times (and yes I'll be putting it up again) but the most important thing on there hasn't been actually written down

What I want for my birthday is to be with my family and friends to celebrate

Everything else is just the icing on the cake because even if I didn't get any presents and I spent the week with the people I love, I'd be happy as can be. 
Truth be told, the birthday celebration has already begun and I've received some amazingly thoughtful gifts (: 
I sound like a 16 year old brat I know, but its the one week I get to be a little egotistical. 
I hope you're having a great week and thanks for reading

May 25 Birthday Wish List
  • wine decanter
  • a tea date with Kevin Rose
  • kitchen & baking gadgets
  • Stella McCartney perfume (deeeelish)
  • books (biographies are my favorite)
  • a tea book
  • Gary Vaynerchuk's 101 Wines (book) & his new book Crush it!
  • Slumdog Millionaire DVD
  • tea gadgets (specifically a tea pot with thermometer)
  • a nice bottle of wine
  • June rent
  • some good music
  • cupcakes

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Howdy from Texas! 
   I've been all over the place just after finishing up a long week of finals
I was in Austin, currently in Houston, and will be headed to Kansas this weekend...and more running around after that! I hope everybody is doing well, I know I'm as happy as can be (:
I love Texas and being surrounded by family and friends
Hmm...I really don't have anything to write about right now so take care and 
go get into some trouble 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Today is the 6th of May and while most spent the days nursing hangovers, I spent the day cramming and taking 2 finals back to back. woo! I survived my first year of grad school and I'm so happy to say I made it. I think I did terrible on one final, but there's no use worrying about it now. This year was more than just hitting the books and making the grade, it was moving out to a city and state where I knew....1 maybe 2 people. I live alone and that was a first and I joined a program a week before classes started. It's been a roller coaster to say the least.
Thank you to everybody who listened to me complain, sent me words of encouragement, and love letters.

In other news, my dear friend Jared woke up from his coma this afternoon! I am so happy that our prayers have been answered and I hope he recovers well and soon.

Along with all good, there comes some bad. Today I was thinking about spring and all the things that come along with it. (Yes, I realize it's May and summer is just around the corner) Things like birds chirping, flowers blooming, and best of all love is in the air. While I refuse to talk about anything toooo personal on this blog, I'd like to discuss the bad that comes along with the good - the heartache that comes along with love. I have more guy friends than girls, and lately my phone has been ringing off the hook with relationship advice and I wanted to step back and think about it for a while. Some starting new flings, others breaking up, and some just tired of looking.

The question I ask is, why do we do it? Why do we give everything we have to somebody we hardly know and can only hope we can trust. In the beginning, relationships are hopeful and pleasant then you move to trust them and let a little of yourself leak through. Depending on how that goes, you go on and on growing and giving. I know I'm not writing anything nobody's ever heard before, but you can always tell how a person feels about relationships depending on how far along they are with them. Somebody who's newly in love says they are awesome and give advice like "you'll find the right person" where people who just got dumped say "f-- love." The truth of the matter is, we love being in love or the idea of love anyway. People need interaction, connection, and companionship which is why it hurts so bad when we lose the person we thought we had that with.

Rather than run with my crazy theories of relationships, I'll save that for another day, I wanted to ponder over breakups. Everybody knows that pain. The hurt you feel when somebody says they've found somebody else to fill their heart, or their bedroom for that matter. What is one to do? How does one gain enough courage to try again? Why do we allow others to make us feel this way? I am not saying love or relationships are a waste of time, in fact I am quite the fan.
That scar left behind every broken relationship only builds thicker skin and a lesson is learned for the future. Along with that we become better people for the future relationships headed our way, more specifically what not to do.

My battery is dying and I refuse to read this over and try to make sense of my madness.
To all the broken hearts,
dust yourself off and get up you're going to be okay.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

for dad

Dear daddy,
You've called me the past two days in a row wondering why I haven't posted anything. Truth is, finals are this week and I'm trying to get ready for my atx/hou/kas/elp trip. I'm sorry for the delay and for letting you down. I hope you have a great day and remember I miss you like crazy.
I love you!

(if anybody other than my dad calls me c, i don't like it...just thought you should know)