Tuesday, January 26, 2010

clean up.clean up. everybody everywhere.

I wish I could type as fast as I think but the truth is, I cant.
At this point I feel so overwhelmed with everything I can't sort out my thoughts.
Which means, I can't put them down on paper...er...type them online.
So I'll be taking this weekend to do a serious clean up.

I've always said "a cluttered room is a cluttered mind" which is why I cant sleep if I feel I'm in a crowded space. So I've taken that philosophy and applied it to where I'm at.
A cluttered apartment is a cluttered life.
(yes it sounds dramatic and a bit out there)

I'm going to dedicate this weekend to cleaning up my apartment and sorting through the boxes I have stored so that I can clear it out, clear my mind, and organize my thoughts in order to move forward in life.
Again, this all sounds dramatic but it's how I feel.

Thanks for reading

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Quarter Life Crises - part 1

I wish I had a dollar for every post I've started but deleted half way through it. I'm sure I'd be close to paying off my student loans. But anyhow...welcome back fellow readers I hope you had a lovely holiday. During my holiday I had too much time and nothing to do, which can only lead to one thing, thinking too much. In my line of work I am trained to analyze, pay attention to detail, and interpret. When I am left to do this alone for too long I can develop some very interesting theories.

These next few posts will be a series of the "Quarter Life Crises" by yours truly. The reason being is while I was in my home town of El Paso, Texas I realized a number of things. One of them being that I have been forgotten by a number of "friends". Don't be mistaken, these people were friends of mine but over the years we've drifted apart and gone our separate ways. Some I've known for what feels like a lifetime and others just a few years. I'm not thinking of one person or one particular group of people, this is all generally speaking. No dramatic event took place or war over some silly scandal, we simply grew up and grew apart.

The strange thing is watching it all happen. Seeing people continue to gather and talk about the same things we did when we were younger but feeling like I'm on the outside watching a movie in a language I no longer understand. What happened? Where did I turn?

Truth is I look back at a lot of things and remember how uncomfortable I was and how unsure I felt.
It's taken me the last year and a half, but I finally feel like I am okay in my own skin.
I'm okay with being the girl that wants to study every subject, that likes to yell when I get excited about something, that enjoys cheap beer and good conversation, who loves old films and curses like a sailor from time to time. I'm okay with dressing differently, laughing at my own jokes, my strange sense of humour, over-sharing my crazy thoughts on life, and dancing like I know what I'm doing.
It's just too bad those people don't know the person I'm becoming and have no interest in finding out. I know I'd love to find who they've become.
Being forgotten isn't so bad I suppose, I guess I'd rather be forgotten for the person I was then be notorious for a person I am not.

goodnight world

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

new year fail.

My resolutions are already failtures
  • start carrying a purse ( I think its about time) --- i cant do it i hate purses and my wallet of 6 years broke
  • re-learn spanish --- eh kinda
  • get in touch with old friends --- keep in touch with real friends, ditch fake ones 
    • i'll post a WHOLE blog about this later
  • national food day challenge (I need a name for this project...help!) 
    • http://www.tfdutch.com/foodh.htm
        • whatevs...this site looks dodgy and i couldnt find a better one 
Eff it. 


Friday, January 1, 2010


Happy New Year!

let me begin by saying I hate New Years Eve, it's official. However, New Years day is a whole other story.
Here are my 2010 resolutions:

  • start carrying a purse ( I think its about time) 
  • re-learn spanish
  • get in touch with old friends
  • national food day challenge (I need a name for this project...help!) 
    • http://www.tfdutch.com/foodh.htm

The last one is close to my heart because it will take a whole year of commitment and I'm really excited about this project. I start today, Bloody Mary (ew) and Apple Gifting Day, but I want to start a blog and a twitter for this project. The bigger, the better, the more I'll have to commit to eating these crazy things.
I'd love to hear some ideas for this silly project of mine
I am terribly excited

Best for 2010,